Apex Fanwear

A shopify store for selling apex legends merchandise, such as shirts, console skins, erc

Side Project 2,512 views

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Listing Details

What is included with this sale?domain name, shopify store, and three original t shirt designs created by me. will also include facebook page.what is the technological stack?shopifywhich parts of the project are incomplete ? everything for the most part, we have some some decent traffic, but i am not experienced enough with marketing and converting users to make this fad profitable. do you have any traffic ?currently have had the site going for 4 days,  just around 200 visits. why are you selling ?i wanted to take advantage of this games rapid  growth but am too inexperienced and lack the resources to make it happen. how can the future owner turn the project into a business ?better marketing , maybe someone who actually even cares about the game. would be perfect for writing up blog posts to drive traffic. someone who can add a more established catalog and look to the domain. 

How can the buyer take this project further?

What is included with this sale?domain name, shopify store, and three original t shirt designs created by me. will also include facebook page.what is the technological stack?shopifywhich parts of the project are incomplete ? everything for the most part, we have some some decent traffic, but i am not experienced enough with marketing and converting users to make this fad profitable. do you have any traffic ?currently have had the site going for 4 days,  just around 200 visits. why are you selling ?i wanted to take advantage of this games rapid  growth but am too inexperienced and lack the resources to make it happen. how can the future owner turn the project into a business ?better marketing , maybe someone who actually even cares about the game. would be perfect for writing up blog posts to drive traffic. someone who can add a more established catalog and look to the domain. 

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Reason for Selling

I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus on

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