
A service that helps developers to price their products/services so that they do not incur any loss

Side Project 2,589 views

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Listing Details

What is included in the sale ? the source codewhat is the technological stack ? html, css, js , phpwhich parts of the project are incomplete ? all are completedo you have any traffic ?yes, had my first 3 users within two days of launchwhy are you selling ?busy with my main workhow can the future owner turn the project into a business ?as a subscription service

How can the buyer take this project further?

What is included in the sale ? the source codewhat is the technological stack ? html, css, js , phpwhich parts of the project are incomplete ? all are completedo you have any traffic ?yes, had my first 3 users within two days of launchwhy are you selling ?busy with my main workhow can the future owner turn the project into a business ?as a subscription service

Tools & Technologies




Reason for Selling

I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus on

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