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Side Project 2,947 views

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Listing Details

What is included in the sale? website, domain, 150 email subscribers, social media accounts.what is the technological stack? wordpress + mailchimp + revuewhich parts of the project are incomplete? it is abandoned right you have any traffic ?not much right nowwhy are you selling ?not working on it anymorehow can the future owner turn the project into a business?by working on the newsletter daily

How can the buyer take this project further?

What is included in the sale? website, domain, 150 email subscribers, social media accounts.what is the technological stack? wordpress + mailchimp + revuewhich parts of the project are incomplete? it is abandoned right you have any traffic ?not much right nowwhy are you selling ?not working on it anymorehow can the future owner turn the project into a business?by working on the newsletter daily

Tools & Technologies




Reason for Selling

I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus on

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