Discount Coupon & Cashback

Discount coupon and cashback website for sale

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Listing Details

What is included in the sale ? website code including admin sectionwhat is the technological stack ? php and mysqlwhich parts of the project are incomplete ? it is ready and live. do you have any traffic ?around 1000 new visitors monthly, and has around 600 users data   why are you selling ?i am short of funds as its a huge project that can be a huge success if someone good in marketing and financials promote can the future owner turn the project into a business ?it is based on affiliate marketing concept. can have huge returns for the user if he is good in promotion.

How can the buyer take this project further?

What is included in the sale ? website code including admin sectionwhat is the technological stack ? php and mysqlwhich parts of the project are incomplete ? it is ready and live. do you have any traffic ?around 1000 new visitors monthly, and has around 600 users data   why are you selling ?i am short of funds as its a huge project that can be a huge success if someone good in marketing and financials promote can the future owner turn the project into a business ?it is based on affiliate marketing concept. can have huge returns for the user if he is good in promotion.

Tools & Technologies




Reason for Selling

I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus on

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