DocsToCheck - Check Legal Documents & Collect Debt
An online service to check documents and verify legal compliance.
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Listing Details
We're aiming to help companies easily deal with contractors' debts.
DOCSTOCHECK - online service check documents and verify the legal compliance. Collect debt from a foreign partner, legally and effortlessly for you.
The platform was created to simplify entry point to those companies who don't want to deal with foreign debts and need a partner / vendor to resolve their contractor debt issues. Website takes all the relevant information in a simple way to proceed with either documents check or debt collection, so experts are to get back within 24-48 hours with either a result or action points for further steps.
How can the buyer take this project further?
Next step is to execute by marketing strategy (we already started) and start producing more high quality leads along with continuing building content and link references.
Tools & Technologies
Gitlab, jQuery, PHP, WordpressSkills Required
Marketing, Customer Service, Writing, Communication, SEO, SalesCategories
Advertising, Business, ContentReason for Selling
I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus onYour Options
Included in the Sale
- Includes website
- Includes domain
- Includes source code
- Includes design source files
- Includes marketing assets
- Includes hosting accounts
- Includes social media accounts
Other Information
- 1 Offers received
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