Facebook Advertising Software Suite

Two products to help optimise and retarget Facebook ads.

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Listing Details

This is a suite of two products and has the potential to make a lot of money.

Product 1

  • It helps FB and Instagram advertisers find the hyper-targeted audiences to run their ads and in turn increase their ROAS.
  • FB Ads manager has a disadvantage where they show very broad interests to target resulting in higher profit for FB but the lower return on ad spending for the advertisers.

It has two major competitors and there's room for a new entrant if marketed the right way.


Product 2

It helps FB and Instagram advertisers retarget the right audience rather than treating everyone equally.

FB's tracking pixel treats all website visitors equally whether the visitor stayed on the page for 5 seconds or 50 seconds. Whether the visitor scrolled halfway through the page or just left right away.

This app lets FB advertisers target engaged audiences to optimize the ad spend.

It has only one major competitor. And again here there's a lot of room for new entrants if marketed aggressively.

How can the buyer take this project further?

There are many features that can be added to the app and sold separately.

I can discuss the ideas that I have for this app.

FB Advertising space is growing day by day and this is the right tool for every FB advertiser.

Tools & Technologies

CSS, DigitalOcean, Git, Github, Hybris, Javascript, Laravel, MySQL, PHP, React



Reason for Selling

I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus on

Your Options

Included in the Sale

  • Includes domain
  • Includes source code
  • Includes design source files
  • Includes hosting accounts
  • Includes social media accounts

Other Information

  • 0 Offers received

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