Githuub Repo Analyzer

Github repo analyzer that checks maintainability and dev. pace

Side Project 2,481 views

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Listing Details

What is included in the sale ? 

source code

what is the technological stack ? 

ruby on rails, potsgresql, docker,, digitalocean

which parts of the project are incomplete ? none

why are you selling ?

this was a weekend project. don't have time to work on it further.

how can the future owner turn your project into a business ? who do you think would be a great fit and what avenues can the buyer pursue to grow the business.

these are some ideas that i had:

- deeper analysis of development status

- ci/tests/coverage info

- batch reporting based on your package.json, gemfile, etc.periodic email reports

- paid periodic reports

are there more popular forks?

none that I know of

Skills Required



DevOps, Open Source, Security, Utilities

Reason for Selling

I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus on

Your Options

Included in the Sale

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