Hedge Fund & Investors Database Product
Provides hedge fund information database by country, region and strategy.
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Listing Details
A website that provides Hedge Fund & Investors Database. It has massive exceptional growth potential.
We have been compiling a lot of detailed data covering thousands of different hedge funds all over the world. The main focus is to deliver solutions that are empowering, dependable, comprehensive and focused on value. We want to help provide our customers with the most detailed hedge fund list on the market. It’s very important for us to push the boundaries and ensure that everyone receives the utmost results and value.
What makes our list unique is that we cover everything from boutique hedge funds to multi-billion dollar funds. We research everything in-house and we always keep the list updated. That means everything is accurate and to the point, comprehensive and very professional. The price is also discounted, all while making sure you have the ultimate value and quality for the money!
Information in the database Includes:
- Address
- Phone/Fax
- Website URL
- Main Email
- Up to 5 Executive Contacts
- Assets Under Management
- Change in AUM - 12 and 24 month
- Employee Info
- Strategy - Commodities, Real Estate etc.
- Year Launched
- Hiring Status
What is included in the sale?
- Website Backup
- Domain Name
- $100 Credit Worth of Advertising on BingAds. US/CA Only.
- $100 Credit Worth of Advertising on Adwords - US/CA Only.
- Google Adwords Masterclass Course
- Facebook Ads Masterclass Course
Valuable Domain Name:
- This domain name has a huge potential.
Does the owner need specific skills in order to successfully operate the site?
- Coding skills are NOT needed/demanded: the management is very simple and can be performed from an (intelligent/obvious) control panel. We will also provide all the necessary training and support to keep the website up to date and highly competitive.
Complete Automation:
- When a customer places an order they will automatically have a direct link to download the database file so you don't have to fulfil the order every time someone places an order, You only need to verify the payment of the customer.
Integrated Affiliate Management Software.
How does the business generate revenue?
- Selling Hedge Fund & Investors Database.
Which platform does the website use?
- WordPress with an easy back-end.
Where is the site hosted and will this need to change after purchase?
- It is hosted at Namecheap.com, everything can be easily transferred to any hosting.
Will you help transfer the domain name and set up the website to work properly?
- Yes I will set up the website on your server or hosting same as it is now.
How can the future owner improve the business?
- The future owner can improve SEO for site and invest in advertising which would grow revenue even more.
Have you done any Search Engine Optimization?
- Yes, I have done minimal SEO.
Are you the original owner of the business?
- Yes
Will you provide support & training, in order to ensure that the buyer is able to fully take over the business and its operations?
- I will provide 1 on 1 training and assist with any questions or concerns. I will help you every step of the way to get you going.
How can the buyer take this project further?
Future owner can improve SEO for site and invest in advertising which would grow revenue even more.
Tools & Technologies
Adobe, PHP, Shopify, WooCommerce, WordpressSkills Required
Marketing, Communication, StrategyCategories
Advertising, Analytics, Automotive, Big Data, Blogging, Business, Career, Celebrity, Classifieds, Content, Crypto / Blockchain, Design, DevOps, E-Commerce, Education, Educational, Email, Gaming, Internet of Things (IoT), Payments, Real Estate Tech, Security, ShoppingReason for Selling
I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus onYour Options
Included in the Sale
- Includes website
- Includes domain
- Includes source code
- Includes design source files
- Includes marketing assets
- Includes hosting accounts
- Includes social media accounts
Other Information
- 1 Offers received
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