A site with the most Instagrammed/Instagram-able spots in each major city

Side Project 5,207 views

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Listing Details

I bought the domain in 2016. I connected it to WordPress. Currently using a free template with no content on the pages. Think it's a great idea and super easy to get going but haven't put aside the time. Have been paying to renew it every year but think it's time to move it on. Utilise SEO to build out pages for each city. Curate a years worth of social content and schedule posts. Have guest/featured posts from popular Instagrammer aka collabs. Build an audience - sell to that audience.

How can the buyer take this project further?

Mainly selling Domain and Idea. Website is just a shell.

Tools & Technologies




Reason for Selling

I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus on


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  • Includes website

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  • 1 Offers received

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