WordPress Job-Board Theme Business

A well-researched job-board theme for the Wordpress market.

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Listing Details

It's a premium WordPress job-board theme which was being sold on Themeforest. It competes with the likes of Jobify, Workscout etc.

It took me around 8 months to do the market research, design and then develop this product. Finally, I published this theme on Themeforest (a famous WordPress themes marketplace) on December 2018 and during the period of (Dec 2018 - June 2020) it earned following figures...

  • Total Profit (for 19 months) → $16,331
  • Monthly Profit (avg) →$860 p/month

Why am I selling this product?

After Feb 2020 I had an unfortunate event in my family and I wasn't able to continue providing customer support for this product, due to which the product revenue stalled a few months after.I'm still not able to take on the product so I was hoping to pass it to someone who can take care of it.

The product has potential, it is quite competitive (design and feature-wise) compared to the other options in the market (you can do your research) and most importantly it is proven to sell.

What would be included in the deal?

I'm selling the source code and all the rights to this product to the interested party. Once the deal is done, I'll remove the theme from my ThemeForest profile and then you can sale it via any distribution channel of your choice.

If you think you are a good-fit for this product then you can contact me to discuss further.

How can the buyer take this project further?

This business would be perfect for individual developers who know how to work and code in WordPress, or software houses which has a team to take care of the theme maintenance and customer support.

If you don't know to code, you can also outsource customer support on upwork.

Tools & Technologies

CSS, Github, HTML, Javascript, jQuery, MySQL, WooCommerce, Wordpress

Skills Required

Marketing, Customer Service, Programming, Sales


Career, Classifieds, E-Commerce, HR Tech

Reason for Selling

I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus on

Your Options

Included in the Sale

  • Includes website
  • Includes source code
  • Includes design source files
  • Includes marketing assets

Other Information

  • 2 Offers received

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