Kocpit 2

Manage and keep tracking everything of contacts you care about

Side Project 2,469 views

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Listing Details

What is included in the sale ? source code , domain , social networks.what is the technological stack ? backend: java, spring boot , mysql/mariadb, restapifrontend: reactjs, bootstrapcss 4, single page webapp, pwa ready.which parts of the project are incomplete ? basically 80% of features was implemented, subscribe to get registration code for early accesswhy are you selling ?looking someone who could acquire users and bring it to the world.how can the future owner turn your project into a business ? who could deal with niche market , person/small/medium customer who need simple solution with reasonable cost, all-in-one tool reduce fragments of management. simplicity is the most important to make it easier to acquire customers.

How can the buyer take this project further?

What is included in the sale ? source code , domain , social networks.what is the technological stack ? backend: java, spring boot , mysql/mariadb, restapifrontend: reactjs, bootstrapcss 4, single page webapp, pwa ready.which parts of the project are incomplete ? basically 80% of features was implemented, subscribe to get registration code for early accesswhy are you selling ?looking someone who could acquire users and bring it to the world.how can the future owner turn your project into a business ? who could deal with niche market , person/small/medium customer who need simple solution with reasonable cost, all-in-one tool reduce fragments of management. simplicity is the most important to make it easier to acquire customers.

Tools & Technologies




Reason for Selling

I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus on

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