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What is included in the sale ? source code and a snapshot of digital ocean droplet.what is the technological stack ? ruby on rails+jquerywhich parts of the project are incomplete ? email is not quite responsive you have any traffic ?nonewhy are you selling ?can't find time to can the future owner turn the project into a business ?my competitors are doing very good. the market is validated. local businesses are dying for reviews. a solid marketing plan will make this a goldmine in my opinion.How can the buyer take this project further?
What is included in the sale ? source code and a snapshot of digital ocean droplet.what is the technological stack ? ruby on rails+jquerywhich parts of the project are incomplete ? email is not quite responsive you have any traffic ?nonewhy are you selling ?can't find time to can the future owner turn the project into a business ?my competitors are doing very good. the market is validated. local businesses are dying for reviews. a solid marketing plan will make this a goldmine in my opinion.Tools & Technologies
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