Restaurant Food Delivery & Ordering System for iOS
Starter App for delivery service for iOS.
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Listing Details
Describe your project
App for delivery service between customers, restaurant, delivery boy and website admin. Like Uber but for iOS.
Why are you here?
I don't have time and money for complete the setup, I'm a student in college.
What is included in the project ?
iOs app, Host server PHP, ((Admin Panel Rider Panel Restaurant Panel) I don't setup and I don't know how yet.
What is the technological stack?
PHP, Swift, SQL, CSS
What actions are required to keep the project working?
Complete setup and pay for the host server.
How does the project generate revenues?
What marketing initiatives have been used for this project ?
How can the future owner generate more revenues?
Maybe in future delivery fee or ads or subscribe restaurant.
Tools & Technologies
MySQL, PHP, Postmark, SwiftSkills Required
Marketing, Customer Service, ProgrammingCategories
iOS, MobileReason for Selling
I don't currently have enough money to keep it goingYour Options
Included in the Sale
- Includes website
- Includes domain
- Includes source code
- Includes design source files
- Includes hosting accounts
Other Information
- 0 Offers received
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