
Do remote standups with other startups

Side Project 2,772 views

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Listing Details

What is included in the sale?source code, database, and every asset to rolls the platform, except domain. what is the technological stack? describe in details your stackcodeigniter, html, css and jss. which parts of the project are incomplete? if parts of the code are missing, please describe them in detailseverything is complete. why are you selling? explain to buyers why you're selling.built as a side project and i not able to handle my full-time project at the moment. how can the future owner turn your project into a business ? who do you think would be a great fit and what avenues can the buyer pursue to grow the business.1. run a community of startups who would like to do standup together. 2. charge subscription like trello for private standups.3. provide personalized help to each startup and make money ;)  

How can the buyer take this project further?

What is included in the sale?source code, database, and every asset to rolls the platform, except domain. what is the technological stack? describe in details your stackcodeigniter, html, css and jss. which parts of the project are incomplete? if parts of the code are missing, please describe them in detailseverything is complete. why are you selling? explain to buyers why you're selling.built as a side project and i not able to handle my full-time project at the moment. how can the future owner turn your project into a business ? who do you think would be a great fit and what avenues can the buyer pursue to grow the business.1. run a community of startups who would like to do standup together. 2. charge subscription like trello for private standups.3. provide personalized help to each startup and make money ;)  

Tools & Technologies




Reason for Selling

I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus on

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