Ski Skates E-commerce Store

A starter e-commerce store selling one high-margin item.

Starter Website 786 views

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Listing Details

This business is a highly profitable dropshipping store that doesn't require you to spend too much time on. You need to set up the facebook ads and from there it should be fulfilling orders. ( which I will show you how to setup the ads, give the previous creative content, and hand over the pixel if you want it for the data.)

I have a trusted and verified supplier connected to the product that can ship internationally to any country in a timely manner. Profit margins for the product right now is 66%. You can change the price around, as it only costs $40 total to order and ship.

Managing orders is simple as I will connect you with the supplier to easily fulfill orders. This can be fully auto mated if you do it right, and I will give post sale assistance for as long as you need. If you really wanted, you could start with only $100 in ad spend to start getting sales and using profits to run more ads.

Included is the provided email for the business, the domain (Worth over $1200+), all of the product image and video content, and the logo. Assistance is provided for the following 2 weeks after we come to a deal, I am here 24/7 to guide you in the right direction to running this business.

How can the buyer take this project further?

A well made and targeted Facebook ad campaign which I will create for you if you want. I have already spent $ and tested the content that has been created and tested countries and interest audiences. I can provide the FB pixel with the data as well if you would like. $10-20K months are easy to obtain with this using the right ad strategy. 

Profit margins for the product listed on the website ranges from 60%-75% depending on your listing price. I will connect you with a trusted US supplier to take care of all of the shipping and delivery logistics.

This store was designed by a digital marketing agency I work with that helps me scale and Brand e-commerce businesses. Content creation and web design were all professionally done. I have been working with it and its marketing fir the past month and a new project has come up. I would love to sell this off to someone and help them prepare it for scaling.

I have done all the market research already and everything is ready to go with the site.

Get in touch today so we can discuss.

Tools & Technologies



E-Commerce, Lifestyle

Reason for Selling

I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus on

Your Options

Included in the Sale

  • Includes website
  • Includes domain
  • Includes source code
  • Includes design source files
  • Includes marketing assets
  • Includes hosting accounts
  • Includes social media accounts

Other Information

  • 1 Offers received

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