
Woddd generates a random wod to make you stand up and go to the nearby gym

Side Project 3,283 views

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Listing Details

What is included in the sale ? the sale includes: - the woddd.run domain- firabase project with the database- frontend react codebase- google analytics - netlify project- all the copyrightswhat is the technological stack ? react, firebase, google analyticswhich parts of the project are incomplete ? the web app is fully-functional.do you have any traffic ?not yetwhy are you selling ?not having the time to promote ithow can the future owner turn the project into a business ?create a richer workout database and contact personal trainers or gym owners to use the app. they will be able to create a variation of workouts or let their customer have the ability to choose their own workout for home training. 

How can the buyer take this project further?

What is included in the sale ? the sale includes: - the woddd.run domain- firabase project with the database- frontend react codebase- google analytics - netlify project- all the copyrightswhat is the technological stack ? react, firebase, google analyticswhich parts of the project are incomplete ? the web app is fully-functional.do you have any traffic ?not yetwhy are you selling ?not having the time to promote ithow can the future owner turn the project into a business ?create a richer workout database and contact personal trainers or gym owners to use the app. they will be able to create a variation of workouts or let their customer have the ability to choose their own workout for home training. 

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Reason for Selling

I have other projects or businesses I would like to focus on

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